Jamaican Foods, the Natural Seduction - Davinci Jamaica Vacations

With Valentine’s day approaching, the food of Jamaica has the taste of love everywhere. No matter where you tour in Jamaica, Montego Bay, Negril, Treasure Beach, Kingston, Portland and or Ocho Rios Jamaica the foods are very seductive. When traveling and visiting Jamaica you will find yourself falling in love with the food because the taste and textures as it plays tricks on your pallet as well as, some of the foods provide a seductive feel. The foods of Jamaica is sometimes known to deliver fun tantalizing experiences to your mind, and body. Jamaican foods are flirtatious. Many of our local Jamaican herbalists will advise to, try one of the most important spices to Jamaican cuisine “the hot red pepper”. Jamaican cooking would not be Jamaican food without the hot juicy peppers, these get the heart pumping and induce sweating. Most Jamaican, Caribbean, and African persons love spicy foods for the kick it offers. We like to believe the foods of Jamaica bring out love in the air. After-all the foods of Jamaica are said to be aphrodisiacs.

Jamaica has a vegetarian drink, the “Irish Moss Drink” a very popular natural food that is said to have healing powers for many ailments. More of a natural super food.

This wonderful food has different reactions to different people that have tried the Irish Moss Drink. Some experience hair growth, nails strengthen, acts as an aphrodisiac and for others, many state they had improvements with health issues. Seamoss delivers trace elements that you find in seawater and our body. Seamooss is said to bring the body back in balance the natural way.

The Irish Moss Drink is often sold by Rastafarian's and others who chooses a path in natural living. Bob Marley Jamaica’s Reggae superstar Bob Marley helped to popularize the drink on a global scale. It has been said the Bob Marley had his daily Irish Moss beverage with additional aphrodisiac spice properties, ginger and cinnamon. It has been told that Irish Moss will increase the libido and improve sexual function. Naturally Jamaican men love the Irish Moss Drink not just for the amazing taste but also for the possible results of a healthier sexual lifestyle. When shopping in Jamaica, don’t be surprised to see the Irish Moss drink bottled and sold in just about every Jamaican supermarket.

Yams, Bananas contain mood lifting chemicals and help raise self-confidence therefore, these are additional foods of Jamaica which are said to increase the libido.A common food loved by all, “carrots” with their high fiber content may very well improve ones’ eyesight and help induce sexual desire.

Foods like shrimp which are high in iodine, may help your thyroid glands and simultaneously provide energy; ginger is great for increasing blood flow to the genitals; love apples or “tomatoes” is known as a sexual stimulant, keeping the prostate healthy; apples, delicious for us all upon consumption are said to provide us with increased sexual power and the mango, need I say more, mother natures’ answer to be seductively delicious fruit rich in energy and vitamin C.

If you are a foodie, and adventurous foodie, Jamaican cuisine will help you believe in the power of food and, its ability to potentially increase libido, seduction and sexual functions.

Davinci Jamaica Vacations specializes in packages designed for the Ultimate Authentic Jamaican experience with Jamaican food, music and cultural tours.

Visit our website and book you tour today! http://www.davincijamaica.com/ or, call us with questions or, help booking your tour 876.288.2331 


  1. Nice Blog about Jamaican Food. I love to read new blogs and your blog enhance my knowledge. Thanks for sharing.
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